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Ömer Nart Pandemic has been a milestone for e-commerce in Turkey

WORLDEF Chairman Ömer Nart assessed e-commerce movement during COVID-19 pandemic and said, “we can think about before pandemic and after the pandemic process as AD and BC. This has been a milestone for Turkey.”

WORLDEF Chairman Ömer Nart assessed e-commerce movement during COVID-19 pandemic and said, “we can think about before pandemic and after the pandemic process as AD and BC. This has been a milestone for Turkey.”

Ecom Leaders Club (ELC) established under international cross-border e-commerce platform WORLDEF with the main business partnership of Türkiye İş Bankası and Fortune Turkey media partnership gathered the e-commerce managers of the famous brands in Turkey in the gala night. Plaquettes are given to the top 100 e-commerce leaders of Turkey which e-commerce was the main topic. Ömer Nart answered the questions of Fortune Turkey in gala-night organised by Ecom Leaders Club which is the first and only C-level e-commerce club in Turkey in Nart Resort.

“The ratio of e-commerce to traditional retail will not go below 10%.”

Nart assessed the e-commerce sector in Turkey. Nart reminded that e-commerce ecosystem in Turkey significantly moved forward with the pandemic and said, “we can think about before pandemic and after the pandemic process as AD and BC. This has been a milestone for Turkey.”

Ömer Nart further stated that “with the pandemic, there has been incredible demand for e-commerce in Turkey. This was the only way to shop during the quarantine and e-commerce showed and incredible performance. If we need to give some numbers, while e-commerce to traditional commerce ratio was 4 to 5% before the pandemic, it reached 20 to 25%, especially in the quarantine. Of course, these numbers will decrease when people start to go out. But still, the ratio of e-commerce to traditional retail will not go below 10%.”

Ömer Nart said, “Now, e-commerce has become an indispensable part of Turkey. Such that, in addition to traditional retail brands, small-scale sellers, SMEs and everyone is searching for how they can sell their products on social media, their own e-commerce website or marketplaces.”

“There has been an amazing trend to WORLDEF.”

Ömer Nart continued as follows, “As WORLDEF, we are a group company operating in event, education and consultancy field. Especially after the pandemic or to state more accurately after the quarantine, there has been an amazing demand to WORLDEF Enterprise which is the consultancy company of WORLDEF. Due to high exchange rates, decreased internal demand in Turkey and e-commerce boom… People are asking how they can do that. How did the successful ones succeed? We show these companies how they can do that. We have well-known popular brands that benefit from our services.”

“Turkish producers gained a competitive advantage.”

Nart used the following statements, “When we especially consider the customer types of WORLDEF Enterprise, we can see a focus on home textile, ready-wear and jewellery sector. In fact, this is because Turkey is extremely competitive in these products groups in international competition. Of course, we can explain this with the partial devaluation of TL. Because the position of Chinese yuan against the dollar is between 6.5-7.5 band like the Turkish Lira and Chinese manufacturers can be incredibly competitive in pricing in the international arena. Now, if we consider the devaluation of Turkish Lira from a positive perspective, this means that Turkish manufacturers gain significant competitive advantage.”

Ömer Nart continues as follows, “Of course, there are serious problems against China. Since these problems are covered in the media, we want to see the positive side. Maybe if this gradual devaluation of TL was a policy and kept in gradual order like yuan-dollar in China, we might become more competitive without experiencing a crisis.

This positive performance by Turkey in the pandemic played a serious triggering role for foreign brands to work with Turkey as manufacturers. On the other hand, the negative images of Chinese brands and manufacturers in the pandemic period made all the indicators to turn to Turkey and manufacturers in Turkey. We are talking about a serious advantage here. If we can use this period and this advantage. Actually, globalisation was never easy with the facilitation offered by e-commerce and cross-border e-commerce.”

“ELC is moving forward to be a community that solves sectoral problems.”

Ömer Nart evaluated ELC gala-night. Ömer Nart said, “Due to pandemic, we have our event in an open area and while we were only expecting 50% participation, we were honoured to reach 97%. This means what we do really reflects in the sector.” Ecom Leaders Club is moving forward to be a community to solve the problems of the sector, create content in this field, work in this field and guide the sector. We have announced the top 100 e-commerce leaders of Turkey with Fortune Turkey and Türkiye İş Bankası as the main business partner and we presented them plaquettes. Actually, we are honoured to prepare this list. In the following period, we will continue to organise more effective and efficient meetings and workshops with ELC jury members and our academic council led by Prof. Dr. İbrahim Kırcova.”

We will feel the pulse of the ecosystem with ELC members

WORLDEF Chairman Ömer Nart remaining that they have launched ELC before the pandemic and they have received significant support from this community on his gala-night speech. Nart also added, “As Ecom Leaders Club, we focus on the development of e-commerce and cross-border e-commerce based on mutual benefit for all of us. ELC is the first and only club in Turkey. Therefore, we will feel the pulse of the ecosystem with our valuable ELC members. In this road that we have started to contribute to e-commerce and cross-border e-commerce in our country, I would like to thank Türkiye İş Bankası, Fortune Turkey and all other sponsors that never left us alone.

Ömer Nart closely took care of the guests attending the ELC Gala Night!



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